PPT Design and Technical Infographics
I was contracted to redesign the ppt deck for a ballistics technology company seeking to build marketshare in two disparate business sectors; mining and aerospace satellite delivery. Their existing deck was too focused on data without actually explaining anything clearly. And, in this age of info-overage, we all know just how dangerous it is to expect your audience to invest more than 8 seconds on discovering the true value of your service offering.
They had a second challenge in the fact that most of their infographics did not compliment their overall scientific professional tone.
Here are a few before/after examples of how I was able to improve upon some of their pre-existing infographics.
Drag the cursor on each image below to see the improvements.

One of the first phases of this project involved a complete slide content audit. That made is possible for me to help them assign their allocated budget to perform a more targeted and professional strategic design uplift.
While I am pleased with the overall design and visuals I created for them, this PPT rebuild is a top example of the old adage “Good things happen when solid planning and collaboration are at the core of the work we do”.
The end-result: a successful augmentation to their existing market presence and I now have a repeat customer who has also referred more work to me through word-of-mouth.
That’s basically a win(X3).