Project Description

When life gives you lemons…

Due to a kooky situation with another designer who basically lost interest and dropped the ball (a.k.a. quit), I was parachuted into this design communications piece six weeks after the initial kickoff. I picked up the project with the same deadline looming and cranked up the design dial to “11”.

My initial deliverable was to design the base graphics and typography for the print piece. I gained approval from the higher-ups and motored into design fulfillment phase. There was some medium-level pshop and custom illustrator work to evolve the UCalgary energize brand into flowing light ribbons that wove through the design layouts, as well as full print pre-press and delivery to the print shop. This was all done within 12 working days (okay… I added in an extra 15 hours overtime, but I had to).

Then I (and one other production designer) designed and populated the web version for a launch date two weeks later. It’s a WP base site, so don’t get too critical, or be too impressed ;^) But it is also available as an app, which is kinda nice.