About Tom Magee • Design Guy

Really? Serious? This is my website... the whole thing tells you who I am, what i like and what I do. For more info, visit: www.tmmagee-design.com

Office Design 101: Suite Tip #4 – Importing Vectors Into MS Office

How many times has this happened to you: You design/build a WORD/PPT file with your client's logo on the header/master page. They approve the design and pay you to receive the final working files so that they can start using the template file for all their future internal/external documents. A few weeks go by and [...]

Office Design 101: Suite Tip #3 – Printing Semi-transparent Objects

Did you know that high-quality printing from PPT is an "option"? Yup, in the day and age where the average phone's processing power rivals whatever we thought the folks on Star trek were supposed to be using, PPT still won't print the design you see on screen faithfully because the parent company has decided you, [...]

Five Ways to Improve Online Investor Communications

The tools and technology used to create digital media are changing all the time— it’s a fine line achieving balance between cutting edge and ease of use. At the same time, it can be tough to keep people’s attention long enough to get your message across before they click to the next shiny website. Below [...]

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